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Visitor Center

We invite you to join us for an amazing educational and eye-opening experience!

As one of Israel's most advanced bee farms, משק לין - Lin's Farm has been welcoming international groups, tourists, and families for many years. Our bee farm has several exciting attractions, including a honey extraction room, a carpentry shop, and indoor & outdoor areas where we conduct interactive group activities and instructional workshops. We also have a small specialty shop where you can find all of Lin's Farm products at special prices.

Book a tour and bee-come a part of our farm for a day!


For tourists interested in beekeeping and agriculture, we offer professional tours in English guided by Yuval Lin, beekeeper and owner of Lin's Farm.


*To book a tour, please contact us at least one week in advance.

For more information, please call +972-54-220-7965 or fill out the form below.

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זריעה בשדה של משק לין
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